13 Years Seperation From Daughter (A true story feat left behind parent, Brian Duzet)

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In this episode, we are speaking to Brian Duzet who had his daughter Samantha, kidnapped by his ex-partner Adrianna 13 years ago. We speak to him a lot about identifying early red flags, how he got falsely accused of domestic violence multiple times (and was put in prison for a week in Mexico!), how to survive parental abduction (or how to stay sane while battling for the custody of your child) and many more.

Brian's twitter page: https://twitter.com/MomKidnappedMe

Brian's website: https://wendysamanthacoroneltenorio.org/


I would like to remind everyone that our goal here is to share knowledge with you guys and show that you are not alone in this. With that said, if you need specific legal advice, please get your own independent advice from a qualified legal practitioner.


If you are a minor, or if you happen to not understand how to interpret certain parts within this episode, please approach a responsible adult or someone knowledgeable to understand better. We have done our best to make sure that it doesn't offend anyone and if you have further questions regarding Find My Parent or the interview, you can mail me at sk@findmyparent.org.

If you are someone who got separated from your own parent, and would like to find your parent again, please go to https://findmyparent.org and fill out your details. With the help of our smart algorithms and matching technology, we hope to help you find your alienated parent again. If you are part of an NGO or even a private company passionate about this topic, please reach out to use through the contact us page in findmyparent.org and we hope to work together with you. (https://findmyparent.org/contact).