Partnering to Reunite Ukraine

Support Find My Parent as it scales its AI technology to reunite Ukrainian families in partnership with the Juvenile Prevention Division of the National Police of Ukraine

Our Mission

Find My Power empowers children to reunite with their families through AI technology.

Find My Parent is a US-registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded by a group of parents of abducted children, techies, and child-rights activists. Details of our tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) status can be found on the U.S. Internal Revenue Service’s website.

When we founded Find My Parent, our goal was to empower our own children and children around the world to reunite with their parents, even if they knew little or nothing about that parent. Our first mobile application – Find My Parent – is available for free download for anyone in the world who is searching for a family member.

We have always envisioned that our technology could be used to reunite children and families around the world who have been separated due to conflict, natural disasters, human trafficking, adoption, and mass migration. Reunite Ukraine is Find My Parent’s first initiative to replicate its technology for a specific population in collaboration with law enforcement.

Our Team

Find My Parent was started out of one father’s struggle to reunite with his young daughter who had been abducted by his former spouse. After attempting to reunite with his daughter through law enforcement, courts, diplomatic channels that all failed to help him, he envisioned creating a technology that would empower his daughter to reunite with him one day. That is how Find My Parent was born – out of a father’s love to see his abducted daughter.

We are proud that since the launch of Find My Parent, he has been reunited with his daughter. However, many other parents working with Find My Parent remain separated from their children. Even more important, these children are unable to grow up with the love of their parent – the effects of which will likely remain with them for a lifetime.

Find My Parent’s core team is made up of three co-founders who have experience in child’s rights, technology and/or have been personally affected.

Our Technology

Available as a free mobile application on Android and Apple devices, Reunite Ukraine provides a safe, secure, efficient and sustainable way for separated families to reunite.

The Reunite Ukraine mobile application is safe for children and families, boosts the highest security features and provides a long-term and efficient solution for missing persons.


All data is user-generated, and users retain full ownership of the data, meaning they can delete or edit their data at any point. The identity of every user is verified by the National Police of Ukraine upon registration. Identities and relationships are re-verified once a match is made and before the users are notified of a match. Users cannot be searched for and no information about any user is available to the public.


Find My Parent has built our mobile technology to the highest data protection and safety standards, deployed the same data protection architecture used by renowned financial institutions, governments, and hospitals. Our database is ACID compliant and adheres to European data protection standards and the GDPR.


FMP World’s core technology is called “multi-search.”  It uses data, facial recognition, image duplication, and kinship, all simultaneously, to deliver results based on data and image inputted by users. One of the unique characteristics of our multi-search is that the child or adult does not necessarily need to know anything about their lost family and our AI technology can still find a match based on data entered and/or images in minutes compared to the sometimes years or decades it has historically taken to trace and reunite families.
The technology can also be used to identify deceased persons, so their families get the closure they deserve and to as a preventive measure when children and families are at risk of becoming separated.

Find My Parent’s technology is integrated with the National Police of Ukraine’s system to support them in the search for over 20,000 persons who have been reported missing since the beginning of the 2022 conflict and can easily continue to make matches for years, and even decades.

Our Partners

Reunite Ukraine has been developed through a unique partnership with the Juvenile Prevention Division of the National Police of Ukraine through a Memorandum of Understanding signed by Enrique Gutierrez of Find My Parent and Ihor Klymenko, Head of the National Police of Ukraine on November 24th, 2022. This partnership has made it possible to reach 2000+ police officers across Ukraine, and their communities, with our technology.

Find My Parent is seeking to develop partnerships to spread awareness about our application, reach more Ukrainians in need of family tracing and reunification, access funding to sustain our technology and replicate our technology to other populations around the world.

For more information, please reach out to