Pegasus Legal Services for Children
Alfonso Sepulveda Garcia
Ana Maria Kudisch Castello
SARGON ROSE: Missing Child – A Mother’s Nightmare!
A mother is with her child at home here in the States. Suddenly her son is kidnapped and taken away. It is feared that the father has taken the child to Baja, Mexico, in 2012. There are laws set into place to bring back the child if taken out of the country by a parent. […]
Marita–missing in Mexico
International Parental Child Abduction : Mexico.
Mendoza v. Silva, 987 F.Supp.2d 910$File/MWB-13-4108,+Mendoza+v.+Silva,+Other-fees+and+expenses+under+ICARA,+02192014.pdf
Ruiz v. Tenorio, 392 F.3d 1247 (11th Cir. 2004)

Appeal dismissed and application dismissed; the Convention was not applicable as the children had never lost their habitual residence in the United States during their two year ten month stay in Mexico.
Gonzalez v. Gutierrez, 311 F.3d 942 (9th Cir 2002)

Appeal allowed and application dismissed; a right of veto over the removal of a child from the jurisdiction did not afford a non-custodial parent a “right of custody” for the purposes of the Convention.