Else-Marie Merckoll
Children’s Constitutional Rights in the Nordic Countries
Children’s Constitutional Rights in the Nordic Countries
Re E. (Children) (Abduction: Custody Appeal) [2011] EWCA Civ 361, [2011] 2 F.L.R. 724

M. v. K., 06/12/2000; Iceland Supreme Court

Appeal against return order dismissed; the removal was in breach of the father’s rights of custody and therefore wrongful.
Case no. LB-2015-76479

The case concerned a child born to Polish parents in 2007. Custody was disputed. The mother and the father lived together in Poland from the time the child was born until the autumn of 2009, when the parties split up. Subsequently, the child lived with the mother while the father had access. In 2012, the […]
Hoholm v. Slovakia (Application No 35632/13)

The case concerned two children born in 2000 and 2002 to a Norwegian father and a Slovak mother, who had married in Norway in 2000. The family lived together in Norway until the father left the family home in May 2004. On 18 August 2004, an administrative decision was taken on the couple’s separation. On […]
Case no. LF-2013-168054

Grave Risk – Art. 13(1)(b) The court began by referring to Norwegian legal theory stating that ?the exception provisions are interpreted very narrowly”. The court also referred to existing case law of the Norwegian Supreme Court establishing that ?return may not be refused on the basis of a general assessment of what would be in […]
Harris v. Harris [2010] FamCAFC 221, (2010) FLC 93-454

The application concerned a child born in 2007 in Norway to an Australian mother and a Norwegian father. The parents had married in Australia in November 2006 and moved to Norway in December 2006. Except for holidays in Australia, this is where they lived until the child’s removal in November 2008. The marriage was characterised […]

The child, a boy, was 6 months old at the time of the alleged wrongful removal. He was born in Norway in June 2008. The family had lived together in Norway until the mother moved back to Denmark, her state of origin, in January 2009. The parents met for the first time 16 years ago. […]