United Nation Japan Human Rights Complaint

Be part of change. Please submit your complaint. The last date to submit your complaint will be in :


As part of its commitment to institution building, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) allows individuals, groups and non-governmental organizations to file complaints to “address consistent patterns of gross and reliably attested violations of all human rights and all fundamental freedoms occurring in any part of the world and under any circumstances.”

Japan continues to violate the basic human rights of children, parents and families by refusing to pass joint custody law, rewarding child abductors and failing to protect children’s right to both parents. This is the case even though Japan has committed to upholding the rights of children through various international conventions it has signed.

By filing this complaint, we can collectively bring this violation of child rights to the Human Rights Council, demanding that Japan uphold the principles and conventions it has ratified. By uniting, we can show how widespread the violation is and the extent to which it is affecting our children.

Please fill the following information out to have it included in the official complaint to the UNHRC. Note that all information collected will remain confidential and only be shared with the UNHRC.

You can read more about the procedure here https://www.ohchr.org/en/hrbodies/hrc/complaintprocedure/pages/hrccomplaintprocedureindex.aspx
