American Children Kidnapped and Taken to Japan 2/16/2011
Japan proves safe haven for abducted kids
Japan’s Parental Child Abduction [ENG CC]
Scott McIntyre: “Parent arrested while trying to find his children”
The Rights of Parents and Children: How to Better Implement the Goldman Act on Child Abduction
Date: Wednesday, September 29, 2021 – 1:00pmLocation: 2172 Rayburn and Virtual, via Cisco WebEx Announcement Please join the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission for a hearing on “The Rights of Parents and Children: How to Better Implement the Goldman Act on Child Abduction.” The Convention on the Rights of the Child recognizes that “the child, for the full and harmonious development […]
American father wins custody of child after divorce from Japanese woman
OSAKA A Nicaraguan-born man who lives in the U.S. state of Wisconsin has been awarded custody of his 9-year-old daughter, ending a four-year court battle with his former Japanese wife. Moises Garcia married Emiko Inoue in 2002 and settled in Wisconsin where their daughter Karina was born the same year. However, Emiko took the girl […]
U.S. House Eyes Measure against Japan over Parental Child Abductions
Washington, Sept. 29 (Jiji Press)–A U.S. House Foreign Affairs subcommittee is drafting new legislation aimed at making it easier for the State Department to take strict measures against Japan to settle cross-border parental child abductions. “Japan apparently does not recognize the concept of joint custody,” Rep. Chris Smith (R-New Jersey), co-chairman of the House Human […]
Advocates call out Japan for one-parent, overseas abductions of American children
BY WYATT OLSON• STARS AND STRIPES • SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 Just over 10,800 American children were victims of so-called international parental child abduction from 2009 through 2019, according to a 2020 report by the Congressional Research Service. A New Jersey congressman and other advocates urged the State Department to use the strongest enforcement tools passed by Congress in 2014 for […]
Japon : Takaya Teton enlevé par sa mère japonaise lorsque son père canadien prenait une douche.
English Video – Sous titres en Français 日本語字幕 English Explanation at the bottom Le titre aussi surprenant qu’il soit est malheureusement vrai. En vacances au Japon, le fils d’Henrik Teton (Canada) a été enlevé par sa mère lorsque son père prenait une douche dans leur hôtel. Depuis son père se bas pour son fils, mais […]
Child Recovery Specialists
Do two wrongs ever make a right? The use of ‘child recovery specialists’ in international parental child abduction cases Sarah Cecilie Finkelstein Waters Desperate parents of parentally abducted children are increasingly turning to hired help to retrieve their children from their abducting parents. For a (often considerable) fee ‘child recovery specialists’ promise to covertly recover […]