PASG Brussels – Flyer
PASG Brussels – Program Book
Adverlat Lawyers

Delvoye v. Lee, 329 F.3d 330 (3rd Cir. 2003)

Appeal dismissed and application dismissed; the retention was not wrongful as the child had never acquired a habitual residence in Belgium.
J. v. B., 25 April 2007, Court for Family Matters, Beersheva

Removal wrongful and return ordered to a Member State other than the State of the child’s habitual residence; none of the exceptions had been proved to the standard required under the Convention.
Bundesverfassungsgericht, 1 BvR 1465/05, 18 July 2006

A l’unanimit?: Annulation pour inconstitutionnalit? (violation des art. 6(2), 2(1) et 103(1) de la Loi fondamentale allemande (Grundgesetz)) des d?cisions de premi?re instance et d’appel ordonnant le retour de l’enfant. Un curateur de proc?dure aurait d? ?tre nomm? pour l’enfant. Renvoi ? la Cour d’appel de Coblence afin qu’elle statue, apr?s d?signation d’un curateur de […]
CA Paris, 27 novembre 2012, No de RG 12/13544

CA Toulouse, 16 janvier 2007, No de RG 05/06212

Cass Civ 1?re, 04/03/2015, Y c. X, N. 14-19015