“Japan, Gold Medal Winner of Parental Abduction Olympics” – Scott McIntyre, Left Behind Parent, Japan

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Hi everyone, before we go to the episode with Scott McIntyre, I would like to remind everyone that we recently launched a petition targeted at the Japanese government to stand up for the 3million kids who have been trafficked since 1991, legally with the help of single custody laws in Japan. Japan does not recognize joint custody laws as the lawyers and judges profit from it and receive up to 30% of child support payments until the child reaches 20 years of age! While it’s a gain for the lawyers and judges, this is a loss-loss situation for the children and parents affected by the single custody law.Winning this campaign depends on our ability to call on thousands of supporters like you. Your signature(support) is all that we need. Please support our petition and tell the International Organizations and the government to pressure Japan to adopt a joint custody law. You can find the petition at https://www.change.org/jointcustodyjapan.

Now, in today's episode we are speaking to an Australian named Scott McIntyre who have been making waves when it comes to the issue of child abduction and parental alienation In Japan.

Scott was detained for 45 days in Tokyo for trespassing when he went to his in-laws’ apartment to seek information on his two children. He remains married, has no restraining order against him, retains full parental rights, but has not been able to see his children since May 2019, when his wife left with them. While researching for the our petition, I watched a video of Scott on YouTube, and I knew that we needed to get him on the podcast to explain further why the petition that we created is important. I have included a short sound bite from the clip in this podcast and the full clip here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0NTQX92o68

Please support our petition and tell the International Organizations and the government to pressure Japan to adopt a joint custody law .Winning this campaign depends on our ability to call on thousands of supporters like you. Your signature(support) is all that we need. You can find the petition at https://www.change.org/jointcustodyjapan or check out the show notes for the links.

Now, I would like to remind everyone that our goal here is to share knowledge with you guys and show that you are not alone in this. With that said, if you need specific legal advice, please get your own independent advice from a qualified legal practitioner.

If you are a minor, or if you happen to have difficulty in understanding certain parts within this episode, please approach a responsible adult or someone knowledgeable and ask them for clarifications. We have done our best to make sure that it doesn't offend anyone and if you have further questions or comments regarding Find My Parent or the interview, you can mail me at sk@findmyparent.org.

If you are someone who got separated from your own parent, and would like to find your parent again, please go to https://findmyparent.org and fill out your details. With the help of our smart algorithms and matching technology, we hope to help you find your alienated parent again. If you are part of an NGO or even a private company passionate about this topic, please reach out through the contact us page in findmyparent.org and we hope to work together with you. (https://findmyparent.org/contact).

Alright folks, That is it for this week, and speak to you next week! Take care till then.