U.S. House Eyes Measure against Japan over Parental Child Abductions

Washington, Sept. 29 (Jiji Press)–A U.S. House Foreign Affairs subcommittee is drafting new legislation aimed at making it easier for the State Department to take strict measures against Japan to settle cross-border parental child abductions. “Japan apparently does not recognize the concept of joint custody,” Rep. Chris Smith (R-New Jersey), co-chairman of the House Human […]

Advocates call out Japan for one-parent, overseas abductions of American children

BY WYATT OLSON• STARS AND STRIPES • SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 Just over 10,800 American children were victims of so-called international parental child abduction from 2009 through 2019, according to a 2020 report by the Congressional Research Service. A New Jersey congressman and other advocates urged the State Department to use the strongest enforcement tools passed by Congress in 2014 for […]

Khabarovsk woman protests against kidnapping at the Olympic stadium in Tokyo

In Japan, a Khabarovsk resident Karina Kakhiani fights for the opportunity to see her son regularly. The day before, she spent a day, demonstrating at the stadium, where the opening of the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo will take place in a week. 11:19, July 16th, 2021 Several years ago, Karina married a Japanese man, […]

Protecting Children in Family Separation

As Japan has the sole custody system after divorce, there are a number of parental disputes over child custody and visitation or access nowadays. Currently, only 1/3 of children with divorced parents can have access to their non-custodial parent, and only 1/4 of children obtain child support from their non-custodial parent. In contrast, Germany and […]


https://kaji.kokubai.jp/en/about/ We, the plaintiffs (TBD) have been seperated from their parents and their minor children by the Rules of Domestic Relations Case Procedure Act (Family Procedures Act), unable to meet and participate in child-rearing. In violation of the Japanese Constitution and international treaties, their benefits and rights of child-rearing were not realized, so they formed […]


私達は、虐待やネグレクトなどの疑いをかけられ、我が子を児童相談所に一時保護され、帰してもらえなくなったり子どもに会うことさえできなくなった全国の親子が集結した原告団です。 We are a group of plaintiffs from all over the country who have been suspected of abusing or neglecting children, have had our children temporarily placed in a child consultation center, and are unable to return or even meet our children. これだけだと、「本当は虐待やネグレクトがあったのでは?」という先入観を持たれる方もいらっしゃいますがそれであれば裁判までやりません。 With this alone, some people might have a preconceived notion that ” […]