Japan Tries to Fix a Child Custody System Under Fire From All Sides
Thanks to sole custody, limited visitation and weak courts, kids are often estranged from one parent. But opponents of reform say some proposed changes could make matters worse. By Marika Katanuma January 24, 2023 at 10:00 PM GMT+2 Yasuo Hojyo was home alone when his wife and five-year-old son appeared in the doorway. He said the […]
[실화Pick] 시애틀에서 한국으로 아들을 찾아온 아빠 #실화탐사대 #실화On MBC230119방송
Video about parental abduction in South Korea
US father’s battle to find missing children in South Korea
American fathers cry foul over S. Korea’s ‘inaction’ on overseas child abduction by former spouses
American father’s battle to find missing children in Korea
US father’s battle to find missing children in South Korea
‘Whoever abducts first wins’: Why Japan won’t allow this Australian mother to see her children
Catherine Henderson says she hasn’t spoken with her two teenage children since they were abducted by their father over three years ago; something that’s legal under Japan’s custody system. Catherine Henderson with her two children and then husband in 2011. This image has been digitally altered. Credit: Supplied. Watch the documentary ‘Japan’s Taken Children’ at 9.30pm Tuesday […]
Episode 33. Alec Baldwin (sort of) and Me.
Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin, is possibly the most high profile Parental Alienation awareness advocate, having personally been alienated from his daughter Ireland. I doubt I’ll ever be able to actually be able to interview him for my show, but I still felt there was benefit in sharing his message. So this week I share audio […]
Episode 72. Left behind Grandparents
I’ve spoken to alienated parents and children in this show but how does alienation affect grandparents? Grand parents have to deal with seeing their own child go through the pain of a break up and being alienated from their kids, whilst dealing with the double blow of also not being able to see their grand […]