Liuda Yablokova
Ekaterina Vasina
Ekaterina Tyagay
Ilya Aleshchev
Catherine Heath
Ilya E. Titov
Thompson v. Russia (Application no. 36048/17)
The father, a British national, and the mother, a Russian national, both lived in Spain. They had a daughter born in 2013 who is a British national by birth. On 27 April 2016, the mother informed the father from the airport that she was taking their daughter to Russia with no intention of returning to […]
VLADIMIR USHAKOV v. RUSSIA (Application no. 15122/17)
Thompson v. Thompson
The parents are a British father and a Russian mother who were married and who lived and worked in Spain since 2009. The child lived with her parents in Spain from birth (in July 2013) until her mother removed her to Russia in April 2016, without the father’s knowledge or consent. The 1980 Hague Child […]
Hromadka and Hromadkova v. Russia (Application no 22909/10)
European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) The Court accepted that the 1980 Hague Convention did not directly apply to the case, because the wrongful removal happened before the Convention entered into force between the Czech Republic and Russia. The Court’s primary duty was to examine the claims against the right to respect for family life, […]