Foster v. Foster, 654 F.Supp.2d 348 (W. D. Pennsylvania, 2009)

INCADAT legal file Hague parental abduction

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The application related to the adopted son of the Petitioner and Respondent. The adopters had married in Florida in 1988 and had lived in Canada since 1998. The child was born on 28 October 2000 in Canada to a mutual friend of the parents who had asked if they would adopt him.
The mother alleged that the father was verbally abusive towards her throughout their marriage and would frequently call her degrading names. She also alleged two instances of physical abuse. In the father’s treatment of the child, the mother recounted incidents of name calling and physical discipline which occurred periodically from the age of five.
In mid-July 2009 the mother moved with the child to a shelter for abused women. Thereafter, she left Canada and went to stay with her parents in Pennsylvania, USA. The father applied for the return of the child to Canada.