Safe Kids, Smart Parents: What Parents Need to Know to Keep Their Children Safe

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Leading family psychologist, Rebecca Bailey, tells parents how to keep their children safe in this accessible, must-have guidebook. Whether their children are toddlers or teens, six years old or sixteen, whether they live in a rural town, suburb, or a bustling city, all parents worry about threats—from cyber-bullying to exploitation and abduction. What should they tell their children and when? What practical steps can they take to reduce the risks and keep their kids safe? Dr. Rebecca Bailey, with the assistance of her sister and registered nurse, Elizabeth Bailey, gives easily understood, easily followed answers. builds on Dr. Bailey’s years of experience as a family psychologist helping real families deal with real situations. From abduction to abuse, Bailey explains how parents can speak to their kids about troubling topics while building their self-esteem and teaching them how to protect themselves. A smart, comprehensive, and easy-to-read resource, is the most important book a parent can own.