In the 1980s, Dr. Richard A. Gardner, a child and forensic psychiatrist, championed a child custody litigation phenomenon called Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS). Since that time, the PAS phenomenon has gained increased recognition in both the mental health and legal fields. For well over four decades, parental divorce has been determined as the cause of a variety of significant physical, emotional, academic, and social difficulties in children and adolescents. Moreover, high-conflict between divorcing or divorced parents, including the PAS phenomenon, is a noteworthy risk factor for children and adolescents. This workbook is the first of its kind for alienated parents and is divided into three parts. Part One will provide the knowledge and understanding you need to personally deal with the ramifications of PAS or to help those who do. Thus, from a broad perspective this book is written for a wide array of readers including those directly affected by PAS as well as for extended family members, significant others, counselors, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, child custody evaluators, family mediators, general practitioners, pediatricians, family law lawyers, judiciary, police officers, school administrators, school teachers, and policy makers.