Steven G. Miller talks about Parental Alienation: Among professionals who specialize in child alignment, it is well known that many aspects of parental alienation are highly counter-intuitive. Examples include how to distinguish alienation from estrangement, how to identify hybrid cases, and how to treat alienated children. Other examples abound.
What’s more, the use of the word counter-intuitive is more than a warning for professionals (and others) to be careful. Rather, it is a warning that no matter how careful professionals might be, those who do not specialize in this area will almost always make major errors—often catastrophic errors—with respect to diagnosis, causation, treatment, and prognosis. This is true not only for the mental health professionals who evaluate, manage, and treat such cases but also for the legal professionals who evaluate, manage, and litigate them.
Steven G. Miller, M.D., has degrees in psychology and medicine from Brown University and completed his residency training at Brown and Harvard. He was on the staff at Harvard Medical School and is board certified in internal medicine. He has special interest in the medicine–psychiatry interface. He is the author of the chapter, “Clinical Reasoning and Clinical Decision Making in Cases of Child Alignment: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Issues.” He consults and provides expert testimony in parental alienation cases around the country. Steven spoke to Equal Parenting Rights Iceland at the PASG 2019 International Conference (Parental Alienation Study Group) in Philadelphia, USA, in September 2019. The interview was filmed on location at the conference. The video is produced by Equal Parenting Rights Association, Iceland,