A Conversation with Dawn Endria McCarty (Survivor of Parental Alienation and Abduction) – Cohosted By Tomas Savickas (Part 2/3)

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Dawn Endria McCarty is an adult survivor of abandonment, parental abduction, and severe parental alienation and speaks on behalf of parents and children around the world, who have been separated due to divorce or separation. She shares her story of her and her father's reunification, as well as her journey through the healing process and understanding her emotions.

She is the Founding Chairperson for the Florida State Affiliate of the National Parents Organization, advocating as the voice for children, bringing the child’s perspective to the front line, speaking, and educating State leaders, mental health professionals, educators, advocates, and the general public about the obstruction of the family bond and the long-term effects it has on the child.

She is a board member of Kids Need Both, Inc., an associate producer of Erasing Family Documentary Film, and the Co-Founder and Host of the Humanly Possible Channel (HPC). Her work on HPC, along with her partner, Alyse Price-Tobler focuses on finding treatment for the adult survivors that will help them to heal, find closure, and reduce the suicide rate among this group of child abuse victims.